Knowledge in Service of Justice
“At a time when students who have historically faced the greatest barriers to accessing higher education are being told that the admission process may become more challenging than ever, we have a clear, loud and true message: we will remain a national leader by encouraging and supporting students of all backgrounds as they apply, enroll and graduate from the Alpine Management College. The educational value of campus diversity is one we will not sacrifice.”

Our Vision
"Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures"
The vision of AMC is to produce dynamic, competitive, qualified professionals with high morale and positive attitude who can lead their Society, Nation and the world to progress by their innovative ideas/thoughts. Our vision is “To become a World-Class University devoted to bringing knowledge and technology to the service of mankind”.
Our Mission
"Empowering Future Leaders"
“To provide quality education for leadership” is the mission of AMC with the combined efforts of self motivated and enthusiastic faculty member and energetic management committee, AMC has taken the mission to prepare the student for the successful future by offering pragmatic education that improves their competitiveness and enhance their personal growth.